Thefacts of light
Cost comparison: total cost of ownership between projection illumination technologies
Fact 02

Cost of operation comparison

It’s important to understand how much your cinema projector will cost you over the course of its lifetime. By combining the purchase price with the costs associated with changing the light source, this chart gives you an idea of what each illumination platform will cost you over 30,000 hours.

Operating parameters:

  • 52 weeks/year
  • 7 days/week
  • 10 hours/day
  • 30,000 hours of runtime
  • 20,000 lumens brightness

Over the course of its lifetime, a Xenon projector offers exhibitors approximately 20% lower total-cost-of-ownership compared to a similarly bright laser phosphor projector. Even when you factor in the higher interval and cost of lamp changes for a Xenon projector compared to the light module swap-outs of a laser phosphor projector, the total cost of Xenon is considerably lower.

Xenon vs. Laser phosphor

Comparing the costs of 20K lumen cinema projectors over 30,000 hours

Illumination                Xenon Laser phosphor
Projector cost* $45,000 $65,000
Illumination cost* $7,700
(11 lamp replacements)
(2 illumination system replacements)
Total cost* $52,700 $75,400

* Prices are provided for illustrative purposes only without inclusion of duties, taxes or shipping. For actual pricing please contact a Christie Sales Manager.

Discover your TCO

Our sales team is ready to crunch the numbers and help you compare the total cost of ownership between projectors with different illumination platforms. Have a Christie sales manager contact you to calculate the TCO of your next cinema projection purchase.